Fluorobot featured in leading Hungarian Business Magazine,
The fact that Fluorobot has been successful in the first round of Phase I. Financing of the H2020 SME Instrument has attracted the interest, among others, of the Hungarian Business Press. The weekly business magazine Figyelő, has devoted a full page report, based on an interview with Mr. Donát Kiss, CEO of Consultask Ltd, the initiator of the whole project, several years ago.
As the project was submitted by ConsultASK’s technology partner and future manufacturer, ASK-M and innovation management partner Ateknea Solutions Ltd, it is regarded as a good example of cutting edge Hungarian innovative projects being measured and appreciated by objective international standards in a very crowded race.
In the meantime the successful completion of Phase I. was reported to the EU and accepted, and preparatory work is ongoing for successful submission of Phase II. application.
The whole article can be read (in Hungarian) at the following link: