50 Minutes coverage on TB Epidemic, Diagnosis and Fluorobot Innovation on leading Hungarian Radio Channel, Kossuth Rádió
As a further sign of interest from the press in the innovation potential and success of Fluorobot, the reporter of Kossuth Rádió, Ágnes Szalai, edited a 2 x 25 minutes review of the TB landscape, with special emphasis on Fluorobot, based on interviews with four stakeholders
- Dr. Gabriella Kádár, Head of Department at Korányi National TB and Pulmonolgy Institute
- Dr. Nóra Szabó, Head of the Hungarian National TB Reference Laboratory, cooperating since the beginning with Consultask team on the Fluorobot project
- Donát Kiss, CEO of Consultask Ltd, the source of the project, and founder of predecessor company ASK previously involved in robotic microscopy projects
- Antal Bélafi, CEO of ASK-M Ltd, the technology partner and future manufacturing partner of Fluorobot, an earlier sister company of ASK Ltd in the 90s, producing cutting edge precision mechanics and optical devices.
As Dr. Ákos Somoskövi, one of the original „parents” of the project from the early 90s, could not be interviewed due to his trip in South East Asia, as a TB expert, his involvement and references to his background were mentioned in the program.
The original archived tracks of the radio broadcast can be listened to (in Hungarian) at the following links: (by clicking on the name of the program at 14.35 „Tér-Idő”)