Usability and advantages of LED based fluorescence microscopy over brightfield microscopy

FW3_7aSensitivity of LED driven microscopy being superior to brightfield microscopy being reconfirmed in recent pubblication by the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

A new publication, just appeared int he latest PHA (Public Health Action) of September 2013., confirms again the usability and advantages of LED based fluorescence microscopy over brightfield microscopy.  

To read the whole article, click here

In this large scale study conducted in 2001 Medical Schools in India, where LED-FM has been recently introduced, the sensitivity over a huge sample (almost a quarter million suspects) from the same period is showing an almost 20% increase in sensitivity.

Although the study is not done ont he same samples exactly, and there is no culture gold-standard comparison, given the high numbers, and the significant increase in positive findings, is a good estimate indicator of increased sensitivity.

This communication further strengthens the conviction of ConsultASK, that our Fluorobot project has a huge potential, in high burden and workload settings.