
FINDFIND is a not-for-profit foundation, recognized by the Swiss government with headquarters located in Geneva, Switzerland, and offices in Kampala, Uganda, and New Delhi, India.

The aim of the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics is to address the urgent need for better diagnostic tests for poverty-related diseases.

FIND is  devoted to developing and implementing affordable, easy to use and cutting-edge diagnostic technologies for the developing world.

FIND builds and sustains effective partnerships with all those involved in diagnostics – both the public and private sectors. These partnerships and a quality-assured project management framework enable to accelerate products through a well-defined value chain – from discovery and proof of principle, to development, evaluation, WHO endorsement and implementation of new technologies.

The disease programmes  include tuberculosis (TB),  malaria and human African trypanosomiasis  (HAT), also known as sleeping sickness. FIND also undertakes laboratory strengthening and scale up of projects to facilitate the rapid uptake of new tools in disease endemic countries.

Florotec_logo_new_04 FLOROTEK BIOSYSTEMS is a Mumbai (INDIA) based company involved in manufacturing of various IN-VITRO diagnostic products. FLOROTEK BIOSYSTEMS is CunsultASK’s partner in developing a dedicated disposable kit for FLUOROBOT.


Stop_TB_Partnership_logo Stop TB Partnership

The Stop TB Partnership is leading the way to a world without tuberculosis (TB), a disease that is curable but still kills three people every minute. Founded in 2001, the Partnership's mission is to serve every person who is vulnerable to TB and ensure that high-quality treatment is available to all who need it.

ASK-M ASK-M Ltd. co-founded by ASK in 1995 is the industrialization, technology and production partner of Consultask Ltd. ASK-M was the production partner of Seditron project of ASK, marketed by Boehringer Mannheim. The core activity of ASK-M is the development and production of precision mechanical and optical devices. The current product portfolio contains automatic microscope slide scanners, for use in digital pathology, produced for 3D Histech Ltd., and marketed earlier by Zeiss GmbH.

Ateknea Solutions Ateknea Solutions is the Hungarian Member of an International Network of companies, highly experienced in innovation management and fund raising for R&D projects. The company has been the most successful Hungarian partner in managing successful FP7 projects.